Friday, December 28, 2012

Letter to Our Senator

Mr. Tea has given me permission to post the e-mail he sent earlier today to our Senator about gun control.  I thought is was so wonderful that I wanted to post it here.

-----Original Message-----
To: district27 <>
Sent: Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:49 am
Subject: No gun control

Dear Senator Vogel,
As the husband of a teacher in your district I am very concerned about your recent statements on "gun control".  My wife also has a concealed carry permit and would be willing to participate in whatever additional training the state would deem necessary - if Virginia were to follow the lead of Utah and Texas in allowing teachers to carry in school.  We entrust the welfare and education of our children to teachers every day.  Why can't we give those same teachers the tools to save our children's lives in the event a monster enters the school?
6 brave teachers gave their lives in Connecticut attempting to protect their students with nothing more then their bare hands.  Brave teachers also gave their lives at VA Tech in the same manner - trying to protect their students.  Would you deprive the next group of teachers the ability to save the children we have entrusted to them?
"Gun Free" zones are not the answer.  They are nothing more then an advertised "Free Killing" zone for the next person looking to right an imagined wrong or looking for their 15 minutes of fame by killing innocents.  The only thing that will stop or slow an animal bent on killing as many people as possible is a responsible person with a gun.  This has been proven time and again, but is conveniently overlooked by the media and anti-gun crowd (but I repeat myself).
More "Gun Control" is also not the answer.  Connecticut already has some of the toughest "Gun Control" laws in the country.  Those laws did not stop this monster.  Tough laws didn't stop him in Connecticut and tougher laws in Virginia, or the country, will not stop the next one.  Tough "Gun Control" laws have proven to be a failure in Chicago, New York and Washington, DC.  Why then would you support a concept that has repeatedly failed in the past.
Using this tragedy to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights is wrong and will not do anything to stop the next monster.  There are better options out there to protect our schools.  If you want to take positive action - look to the places that have successful programs to protect schools - Texas, Utah and Israel.
There does need to be serious and thoughtful conversation on how to better protect our children, our schools, our churches and all places where peaceful & law abiding people gather.  Those conversations need to include ALL sides of the issue - arming teachers, better security, linking mental health records to state databases used to approve gun purchases, etc. 
Please reconsider your new stance on gun control.  Don't get swept up in the emotional "we must do something now" and end up punishing the millions of responsible gun owners for the actions of a handful of animals.
"Mr. Tea" (but he wanted me to make sure I stated that he signed his name on the one sent to the Senator!)

(Just one more example of why I love him so!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

But wait....gun restrictions are supposed to stop this!

The District of Columbia is not far from me and if anyone has been following Emily Miller, you know how hard it is to even obtain a gun in DC.  Since that is the case, do you think the perp in this case cared that they were breaking the law?

Victim Critical After SE Shooting

David Gregory broke the law!

Well, it seems that Mr. Gregory broke D.C.'s law with his demonstration!  It is now known that the tv station asked for permission to have the clip and was denied!

Here is the link:

Wonder if he will actually be prosecuted????

Monday, December 24, 2012

My Thoughts

I am sitting here looking out the front window.  The scene outside is of my two youngest children and my grandson playing in the falling snow.  Watching this heartwarming scene brings so many things to mind about the last couple of weeks.

A lot of emotions have been going through my mind and heart.  You see, I am a mom, a grandma, and I work at an elementary school.  I am not yet a teacher, but God willing I will be within the next year.  I am also a firm believer that we have allowed our schools to become a place for psychos to come and have a killing spree.

I do not believe that teachers should be REQUIRED to be armed, but I believe that if a teacher has a conceal carry permit and is willing to continue with their training, they should be allowed to carry at school.  Can you imagine how many fewer shootings would happen if the gunman wasn't sure if he would be shot soon after arriving instead of having 10-20 minutes to wreak havoc before police arrived?  I can, and I would love for that to become a reality.

I have been in a couple of conversations on Facebook concerning having armed teachers in the schools.  The most common statement I get is that parents don't trust the teachers to be armed.  That surprises me because teachers are entrusted with so much when it comes to their children's lives, that you would think they could be trusted to have the tools needed in order to protect their very lives.

Well, my kids and grandson need my attention, so have a great day everyone and hug your family close.

Country Tea

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just had to share.....


I sit here thinking about going to work tomorrow and my heart aches and tears well in my eyes.

You see, I work at an elementary school.  Friday, I was still in a state of shock and disbelief about the massacre in Connecticut   That is no longer the case, and I am not sure if I will be able to hold back the tears tomorrow as I see all the students walk by in the halls.  I know I will be hugging every one of my first graders that I work with and thanking God that I am still able to hug them.  So many are not going to be able to do that tomorrow.

I am not even going to talk about anything political or agenda-wise at this time.  There will be plenty of time for that later, since we know there are those already on their soap boxes.  Some were on their soapboxes before the dear little babies were even removed from the school building!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


DH just made a major comeback and wiped them both out.

Country Tea

I believe I should be worried

My 11 year old daughter just took me out in the game of Risk.

Oh and her 13 year old brother has the complete western hemisphere.

I am worried.

Country Tea

Thursday, December 13, 2012