Monday, July 28, 2014

Glock 42

Yes, this XD girl actually likes the new Glock 42!

I have not liked the 380's I have shot in the past.  Mainly because they HURT!

That said, my dear sweet husband has been wanting the new Glock since he heard it was coming out....and this past weekend he did just so....   Today we went to the range to try that baby out.  He loved it. (not surprising)  I LOVED it... (really a surprise!)

I have never been a fan of how a Glock feels in my hand.  Just did not feel "right," but I have to say that the new Glock felt good in my hand and I was able to shoot it rather decently.

Here is a picture from today.  Not the best quality, but it's what I can give ya. :-)

Monday, July 7, 2014

That was a fail!

Okay, so I fell short on my challenge, but I will still continue to post daily from today on.....

Friday was spent at Kings Dominion with the grandson.  He had a blast and we recovered. LOL
Saturday was spent recovery from said adventure and preparing for my intensive class this week at Liberty.

Sunday was spent also getting assignments done and driving down to Lynchburg.  I will admit that blogging was the last thing on my mind the last three days.

I will do better even though the posts will probably be short due to class and homework. :-)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What was under YOUR car today? -- Day 3

This little guy was under mine.  He chilled there for awhile, and then decided to go on his merry way.... :-)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

First Competition Results--Day 2 of My 31 Day July Challenge

I went to my first competition this past Saturday, June 28th.  It was a long range challenge match with distances ranging from 530 yards up to over 1100 yards.

It was only the second time I had ever shot this particular rifle let alone trying to shoot at these distances, so my only goal was to just hit at least one target.  I am happy to say I surpassed my goal by three! :-)  My longest successful shot was at 859 yards, which was awesome!

I am also proud to say that I did not come in last, but 41st place out of a field of 43 competitors.  I might just have to do more challenges in different areas of shooting!

This from the first section.  These are the "close" targets ranging between 530-600 yards.

Challenging myself

I am going to post each day of July.

Since I have not gone to bed yet, I am counting this as still the first day! :-)